Record 261 to 270 of 4390
NZGAP certificate holders increase
Horticulture New Zealand reports that the number of NZGAP certificate holders increased by 12% during 2016. It is estimated that over 90% of New Zealand grown fruit and vegetables are now certified to one or more GAP schemes, including NZGAP, GLOBALG.A.P. and others.
Aussie employers of working holidaymakers must register
Australian growers and others in the Horticulture Industry who employ working holidaymakers will not be penalisedm as long as they register by 31 January 2017, according to the Australian Taxation Office.
MPI welcomes signing of organic food industry agreement
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said it has welcomed the signing of an arrangement with China that will benefit the organic food industry for both countries.
Growcom encourages growers to be prepared during storm season
Peak horticulture body, Growcom, is encouraging Queensland growers to prepare their farm businesses during the storm season to reduce their vulnerability to extreme weather.
Imported fruit fly performs in Aussie mating trials
An imported fruit fly from the United Kingdom (UK) has shown great potential to biologically control the damaging horticultural pest Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), following a series of greenhouse trials in Western Australia.
Fijian produce exports remain steady despite weather
The Fiji Times has reported that the country’s fruit and vegetable exports to overseas markets are continuing despite the recent impact of wet weather associated with the tropical cyclone TD04F that passed through Fiji.
On the frontline of Australian biosecurity
After twenty years in the nursery industry, John McDonald is well aware of the crucial role biosecurity plays in keeping Australia pest and disease free.
No silent nights as Aussies rev up their juicers
While the northern hemisphere enjoys a white Christmas ringing with sleigh bells, Australians are looking to enjoy a slightly different festive soundscape this year, with the sound of juicers filled with fresh produce set to echo through our corridors.
DAFWA takes action against CGMMV
The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) has been providing a free service to Geraldton Cucurbit growers to help develop on-farm biosecurity plans. If successful the service may be offered to other cucurbit growing regions.
New apple variety released in NZ
Fruitcraft has launched a new apple variety in New Zealand, after being licensed for the worldwide rights by Prevar.