Flower Talk

7 September 2015

Communicating With Flower Growers

There are four ways in which the NZ Flower Growers Association attempts to communicate with the larger flower growing community –

  • By producing and sending out this bi monthly newsletter you are now reading.

  • By posting the newsletter and other information on the flower grower’s web site which is incorporated in the grower news website. There is an extensive ‘article archives’ section and information about the association.   Go to and click on ‘Cut Flowers’.

  • By providing  weekly information emails which attempt to keep growers up to date with new technologies, ideas and innovations in both the production & marketing of flowers both local and international. [If you do not receive these but would like to, please provide an email address to the [email protected]

  • By putting together a programme of speakers on the day chosen for the AGM meeting each year. Having members across the length and breadth of NZ the location for the Day conference and AGM varies.

The association also has a list of further benefits which are available to members only.

All too often there is little feedback from growers but any feedback is welcome.

The day Conference & AGM are being held in Wellington This Year on Friday 11th September at the Thorndon Hotel Hawkestone Street.

An interesting line up of speakers and topics has been developed.

The big three of the morning sessions are -

Daniel Schuurman of ‘Biologix’ will give an in depth discussion on the activity of soil microbes in both soil grown & media grown crops. The use of soil microbes has a number of beneficial effects including the ability to reduce the amount of nutrient required. This is a subject in which many large horticultural companies are researching and providing information and products. One such company is Koppert International a leading supplier of beneficial insects and fungi. We are lucky to have our own NZ expert and supplier in this field, we expect Daniel to provide valuable insight in his presentation.

Next speaker is Huub Kerckhoffs with specialist information on lighting, the plants responses, and the possibilities now available with LED lighting. Again there is a lot of discussion and innovation going on in international horticultural circles around the use of LED lighting. It is being used in urban situations, in vertical growing situations, in growing underground as well as use in greenhouses. Again we are very lucky to have our own NZ expert on hand. Huub has a Ph D from Wageningen University NL and is currently lecturing at Massey University.  

To end the morning session Marco van den Borg will discuss plant production in greenhouses bringing us the latest concepts and ideas. Marco has had extensive experience in the Netherlands and the Caribbean with greenhouse production of plants & roses. Marco is currently regional manager for Horti Centre at Massey.

The afternoon sessions cover import statistics and an update from the Protected cropping Australia conference by Frans Dorsser; Promotion issues covered by Daniel Paul talking about the power of public relations and a presentation from the national flower promotion group outlining the latest ideas in flower promotion. To round of the session John Liddle Executive officer of ‘Nursery and Garden  Inc NZ’ will provide his considerable knowledge on ‘The future of trade Associations’ – collaborate or die.

Contact Chris on 0272 478 431 or 09 412 7673 or email him at [email protected] To register to attend the conference and AGM