Six potato growers have detailed the rewards they have reaped from their involvement in potato levy-funded research and development (R&D) in the latest edition of Grower Success Stories, including two growers who have implemented effective biosecurity measures on-farm.
“Maintaining vigilant biosecurity practices is a critical safeguard for keeping Australia’s shores free from devastating pests, diseases and viruses, and improving productivity for potato growing businesses,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Shaun Lindhe.
“Biosecurity can also be an effective method to improve the profitability of potato growing operations, as can be seen by the positive examples in the latest edition of Grower Success Stories. Ensuring your property is protected from pests and diseases can also be vital for an entire growing community, as outlined by a featured seed potato grower from Crookwell, New South Wales who enforces strict biosecurity protocols on his farm to uphold the area’s long-standing reputation as a producer of clean potato seed.”
“This publication celebrates potato growers taking the initiative to become involved with industry-funded R&D projects and highlights the potential benefits that involvement in biosecurity activities can bring to growers.”
The publication also features growers who have utilised industry-funded consumer research to tailor potato products to meet consumer demands. It also includes growers who are tackling diseases through innovative techniques and have travelled to key potato growing regions overseas to learn from leading international researchers and growers.
“It is encouraging to see such a wide range of projects coming out of industry-funded R&D initiatives and making a real difference to the way that Australian potato growers conduct business and develop new farming techniques,” Lindhe said.
The Grower Success Stories publication will be distributed with Potatoes Australia in the coming days. It will also be made available on the AUSVEG website.
The Grower Success Stories publication has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Potato Levies and funds from the Australian Government.It is produced by National Peak Industry Body, AUSVEG, representing Australia’s 2,000 potato growers.