Aussie melon growers back biosecurity, R&D levies

23 November 2015

They have voted overwhelmingly in favour of proposals to establish grower levies for Biosecurity and R&D in a move that should underpin the industries’ long-term viability. The result of the ballot by number of votes was 70% in favour of biosecurity levies and 68% in favour of the R&D levy.

Two thirds of growers voted ‘Yes’ to implementation of the levies, allowing a business case to go forward to the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources for approval. It is anticipated that the levy will commence in July 2016.

The Australian Melon Association (AMA) Chairman, Mark Daunt, said that it was a positive step for growers and the future of the melon industry. “The Association is very pleased that our growers have decided to set up levies that will provide funds for the future and ensure that the melon industry is covered under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed if another exotic incursion should occur. The recent incursion of cucumber green mottled mosaic virus provided a sharp reminder of the vulnerability of our industry, which, like all plant industries, has to guard against plant pests, both endemic and exotic.”

According to Greg Fraser, CEO and Executive Director of Plant Health Australia (PHA), having funds for biosecurity will ensure that growers can continue producing competitively in Australia. “The Plant Health Australia Levy and the Emergency Plant Pest Response Levy are important because they facilitate AMA’s membership of Plant Health Australia and the signing of the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed – Australia’s agreement between governments and industry that sets out how exotic plant pest incursions are dealt with and how they’re cost-shared,” he said. “Without this, the industry has no seat at the table when decisions are being made about any future exotic plant pest responses.”

“Research and development is key for supporting the needs of growers to improve the viability and profitability of the melon industry” Dianne Fullelove, Industry Development Manager, said.

The AMA said it intends to visit growing areas in the next few months to discuss grower expectations for the levy and to present the draft Industry Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan will be the document that informs how the levy is spent in conjunction with Grower Advisory Panels.