While the proposed amendments will retain a requirement that all exporters be licenced, it will provide an option for a licence ‘tier system’ to increase flexibility and market differentiation. This will require sectors to prioritise their export markets and clarify their strategy and mechanisms for developing particular markets. Other aspects for amendment in the Act are clarification of entry and exit to/from the structure, increase in fines for exporting without a licence, clarification on collection of fees, and clarifying various technical provisions.
Once the Bill has its first reading in Parliament (hopefully in the first quarter of 2016), it will then be referred to the Primary Production Select Committee for a public consultation process (in second quarter, 2016). The earliest an amended act could be in place would be third quarter 2016.
Horticlture New Zealand says that nine of its product groups use the HEA structure. A Q&A document is available on the proposed amendments. It encourages product groups to consider how multiple licensing tiers could work best for their particular industry group.
For further information, contact the HEA or visit its website.
Read Minister Nathan Guy’s media release.
Source: Horticulture New Zealand