It reported that delegates met and networked over two days, enjoying the prestigious 2016 Bejo Reg Miller Awards dinner, featuring keynote speaker Jody Allen (founder of the Stay at Home Mum network), tours of the Brisbane Markets and Gatton DPI site. Queensland grower and former OA chair Andrew Moon from Moonrocks took out the Reg Miller Award.
Forty conference participants toured the Brisbane Markets in Rocklea to see the hive of activity that is Australia’s third largest central vegetable market. Some 7000 growers supply produce to the market, there are 4000 workers, and the market has an annual turnover of $1.3 billion.
After the Onions Annual General Meeting and an Annual Levy Payers’ Meeting, about twenty growers and industry participants caught the bus to Gatton so see a presentation from DuPont on their new fungicide Zorvec Enicade. DuPont recommends the fungicide for control of downy mildew in onions and other bulb vegetables.
In the field trials, Rio Red Rocks onions were inoculated with downy mildew and then treated with Zorvec Enicade in rotation with other fungicides across seven trial areas. The effectiveness of the chemical was evident with consistent downy mildew control across the trials in which it was used.
In their onsite presentation, DuPont representatives said the new fungicide did not wash off the leaf if it rained as little as 20 minutes after the spray residue dried and it circulated systemically through the plant to protect new growth.
A more formal part of the conference saw a new Onions Australia Executive Committee elected, including:
Peter Shadbolt (Chair)
Alan Thierry (Vice Chair)
Kees Versteeg
Andrew Moon
Lewis Lydon
Michael Williams
Dean Metcalf
Greg Bragg
Rohan Shadbolt
Darren Wood
Darren Rathjen
Chris Eastwood
New Chair, Peter Shadbolt, said he was honoured to lead the well-respected peak industry body, and thanked outgoing executive members, Andrew Doran, Mark Dobson, James Ryan, Garry East and Daniel Mead. “The outgoing members should be acknowledged for their contribution and work for the organisation, it is greatly appreciated. The new Executive Committee brings together a focus on growers, ensuring that their needs are met within the industry and I plan to ensure that Onions Australia continues to provide outstanding industry support. Thanks must also go to outgoing chair Kees Versteeg, who has stepped aside after leading Onions Australia for the past two years.”
Shadbolt said the Australian onion industry’s dedicated sponsors also contributed to making the conference a huge success. “We are genuinely appreciative to Bejo, Dobmac, Terranova, DuPont, Seminis and Agnova for their ongoing support, as staging such comprehensive industry events would not be possible without this strong level of commitment.”