Key items discussed were:
GIA Deed Review Finalisation
The first review of the GIA Deed was finalised with all DGG members agreeing final changes. Signatories will sign a formal Agreement to Vary the Deed, ahead of finalising the revised Deed in the New Year.
The Secretariat will include details of the final agreed changes in a forthcoming GIA newsletter.
GIA Governance Structure
The establishment of a GIA Executive Committee (GEC) to oversight the day to day implementation of GIA was confirmed, with Geoff Gwyn (MPI), David Rhodes (NZFOA) and Jen Scoular (NZ Avocados) appointed as the initial GIA Executive Committee. Draft terms of reference for the GEC and a description of its relationship with the other GIA bodies (Deed Governance Group, Secretariat, sector based councils, operational agreements) were also discussed and relevant detail will be posted on the GIA website in due course.
B2025 Next Steps
The DGG discussed the likely next steps in the implementation of the B2025 Direction Statement and that a steering committee of system participants will be established to guide implementation. The Secretariat Manager, Steve Rich will represent the GIA partnership on that committee.
MPI Business Plan and performance metrics
MPI tabled a summary of its approach to operational business planning and detailed its approach to developing associated performance metrics.
GIA Resourcing
In joint session with the Fruit Fly Council, the DGG agreed that the Secretariat will continue to act as the administrator for the Fruit Fly Operational Agreement until 30 June 2017, within current budgetary provisions.
Next meetings
The GEC is expected to meet more frequently (6-8 times per annum), with the DGG meeting 2-3 times per year as required in the GIA Forum.
The timetable for the group's 2017 meetings will be determined in due course and stakeholders notified.