Feedback sought for industry plan

12 January 2017

The SIP will guide how Hort Innovation invests apple and pear levies in industry-specific research, development and marketing activities. Which is why it’s imperative that all levy-paying growers and industry members read and provide their comments to Hort Innovation in the coming weeks.

“We want to ensure the SIP truly represents what growers and industry want and that the priorities are aligned with the needs and objectives of businesses who contribute to the levy,” says APAL CEO, Phil Turnbull. “In particular, I’d like to encourage everyone who was involved in the consultation process last year to read through and provide their comments and to please let Hort Innovation know if your feedback is adequately captured or not.”

Once finalised, the plan will outline investment priorities for the apple and pear industry over a five-year period from 2017, which is the framework used to decide how levy funds will be spent up to 2021.

Currently, the aim for the SIP is to create a sustainable, globally competitive apple and pear industry that is profitable at every link of the supply chain. The three main areas identified in the draft plan focus on rebuilding industry profitability by:

  • Reducing per carton cost.
  • Developing new markets (which will increase the average return on all fruit produced).
  • Building a culture of continuous improvement to ensure industry sustainability and global competitiveness.

APAL suggests that it’s also important to note that the apple and pear SIP has been written to align with Hort Innovation’s five investment priorities to support, improve, grow, drive and lead horticultural industries.

For more information read about the apple and pear levy and how it’s collected, visit the Hort Innovation website, or contact Hort Innovation’s apple and pear Relationship Manager, Mark Spees: 0439 574 173 or Fund Manager Stuart Burgess: 0417 536 300.

View the draft SIP and leave feedback, online.

Source: Richelle Zealley, APAL