Horticulture New Zealand Office Relocation

15 March 2012

 Horticulture New Zealand Office Relocation

According to a recent communication, Horticulture New Zealand are no longer able to be tenants of the Fruitgrowers Charitable Trust-owned Huddart Parker Building, because it is to be earthquake strengthened. In May Horticulture NZ staff will move to the Community Bank building on Featherston Street, not far from Huddart Parker, and closer to the Beehive and numerous government agencies involved in meetings with Horticulture New Zealand on a regular basis 

The other horticulture related groups in Huddart Parker, the Horticulture Export Authority, Summerfruit NZ and AgriBusiness NZ, are moving to the same premises as Horticulture New Zealand. Horticulture NZ reports it will occupy a smaller but more efficient space than it does now, with a corresponding saving in rent.