NZFGA Advocacy Update

14 January 2015

NZFGA 'Behind the Scenes' Advocacy

The New Zealand Flower Growers Association has been active in submitting on a number of issues pertinent to the wellbeing of the NZ Cut Flower Industry.

A new committee has been assigned portfolios to assist in spreading the workload amongst the largely voluntary team, to ensure progress is maintained whilst keeping the impact on individuals to a minimum

Chris Smellie, Association secretary has advised that the NZFGA team have recently made progress on submissions on the following topics and strategic issues:

  • EPA re assessment of Dichlorvos
  • Rose Nursery stock pre consultation meeting
  • Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (affecting flowers such as Dahlia and Chrysanthemum.)
  • Involvement in MPI emerging risks system.
  • MBIE – Development of a National Statement for Science Investment.


The Association has also been involved with helping three individual growers to address issues relating to Importation & Biosecurity.

To contact the Association on the above or other issues of concern contact [email protected] to be directed to the appropriate portfolio manager