NZ Exports on the Rise

2 October 2012
Grower News

The value of New Zealand’s Horticulture exports on the rise

Recent statistics show that the value of New Zealand’s horticulture industry is almost $3.5 billion.

Fresh Facts, the annual publication about New Zealand’s horticultural industry, shows there has been a 3% rise in the value of products exported on the year before.

Fresh Facts is produced by Plant and Food Research with support from Horticulture New Zealand.

Plant and Food Research CEO Peter Landon-Lane says New Zealand is known globally as a supplier of premium horticulture products.

“Our systems are known to exceed sustainability and phytosanitary requirements. This innovation and diversification has allowed us to create and maintain a premium in the global marketplace.”

Other facts reported by Plant and Food Research include; the value of horticulture exports has doubled since 2000 and now accounts for $1 in every $13 of exports, and while Australia is the largest destination, other key markets include Japan, the UK, the USA and Europe.