It is also likely to cause significant environmental and socio-economic impacts as a result of infections on iconic native (including pohutukawa, rata, ramarama), and ornamental species (MAF, 2011).
Myrtle rust is a devastating plant disease caused by the fungus Puccinia psidii sensu lato (s.l.) complex (including Uredo rangelii), that affects a wide range of plants in the Myrtaceae family.
Symptoms begin as golden yellow powdery patches on leaves and stems, which expand leading to necrotic tissue and deformed stems which can cause die back in severe infections. Floral buds can also be affected (MAF, 2011).
Myrtle rust has previously been reported in the Australian states of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. Importation of cut flowers and foliage of species in the Myrtaceae family is currently prohibited from these states. It has now been reported from Tasmania (ABC News, 2015; Australian Government Department of the Environment, 2015; Biosecurity Australia, 2015).
Suspending importation of cut flowers and foliage of Myrtaceae species from Tasmania (by extending the existing suspension on imports from New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria) is an emergency measure that is consistent with the principles of the International Plant Protection Convention (Article VII, paragraphs 1(a), 2(g), and 2(h)). If the detection of myrtle rust in Tasmania is able to be officially eradicated, then the IHS can be amended to re-instate the previous phytosanitary measures that applied to the pathway.
This is an urgent amendment to the import health standard.
- Cut Flowers and Foliage – Import Health Standard (PDF)
- Cut Flowers and Foliage - Appendix 1: Specific Country/Commodity Requirements (PDF)
Source: NGINZ; Plant Imports, Plant, Food & Environment, Regulation & Assurance. Ministry for Primary Industries:
- ABC News (2015). Plant disease myrtle rust found in Tasmania on twigs and leaves found in Burnie garden. Retreived 24/02/2015 from:
- Australian Government Department of the Environment (2015). Myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii). Retrieved 25/02/2015 from:
- Biosecurity Tasmania (2015). Current biosecurity threats. Retrieved 24/02/2015 from:
- MAF (2011). Risk analysis of the Puccinia psidii/guava rust fungal complex (including Uredo rangelii/myrtle rust) on nursery stock. Downloadable PDF at: