Land and Water Forum Update

21 November 2012

Horticulture NZ Land and Water Forum Update

The Land and Water Forum’s third report is the culmination of four years of work to establish a new freshwater management framework. HortNZ’s Chris Keenan has represented this industry on the Forum and its ‘small group’ for four years.  Government is now working through the recommendations in preparation for opportunities to amend the Resource Management Act in 2013, which may include new National Environmental Standards, Section 360 regulations (such as the water metering standard) and other forms of national guidance. HortNZ will continue to represent growers’ interests as these issues progress and we will keep you informed about how these changes may affect growers.

There is more information on the HortNZ website under Activity Areas/Natural Resource Management & Environment. All three LWF reports are also on the website along with our media release.