Biotechnology Short Courses Enrol Now

11 November 2011
Grower News

Waiariki Short Courses in Plant Biotechnology

Waiariki Institute of technology are offering the short course certificate in Plant Biotechnology Level 5 to interested candidates in 2012

This short course certificate provides the knowledge and practical skills in plant tissue culture, safety in biotechnology, applications of biotechnology, biosecurity and import/export of plants using tissue culture, biofuel crops, molecular biology, micro-organism roles, and fundamental plant growth and development as it relates to tissue culture propagation.

This qualification provides a stepping stone into higher level qualifications, as well as extends skills in other areas such as horticulture, forestry and others.

The course includes a compulsory unit in Applied Plant Biotechnology plus optional papers in Biosecurity, Tissue Culture and Biofuel crops and plant biofuel crops in tissue culture

Interested candidates should register on-line for further course details on the Waiariki Institude Website