Biosecurity 2025 consultation underway

19 August 2016

MPI is holding public meetings and hui in Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Blenheim, Nelson, and Christchurch over the next two weeks. Public submissions close 9 September.

The organisation says that this is an important opportunity for all participants in New Zealand’s biosecurity system, particularly GIA Signatories, to influence New Zealand’s biosecurity strategy and to reinforce the collective strength of the GIA partnership. It strongly encourages stakeholders to get to one of the meetings if and to encourage colleagues to get along too.

MPI wants to know what industry thinks works, what doesn't and what might. It says it’s particularly interested in hearing what other ‘First Steps’ might be taken to deliver something tangible under each of the five proposed ‘Strategic Directions’ for biosecurity.

The feedback and submissions should help the development of the direction statement that will guide NZ’s biosecurity system over the next ten years.